Bad weather was responsible for immigration delays, claims Downing Street

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said that heavy rain last week disrupted flight schedules which in turn led to the Border Force facing additional problems.
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London 2012: a passport to mayhem

There can be few things more irritating than arriving home after a 12-hour flight, laden with children and luggage, only to find the immigration hall at the airport heaving with passengers waiting to get through passport control. When it becomes clear that there are too few border staff manning the desks, irritation can turn to anger. And if it is bad for UK arrivals, imagine the teeth-gnashing frustration felt by non-EU travellers, who are subject to much more rigorous scrutiny. What a great way to start a holiday.
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Britain faces fine from Brussels over immigration restrictions

The Government has been told it has just two months to comply with all of the Free Movement Directive or it will be taken to court.

It is facing claims that it has failed to implement four highly technical aspects of the legislation on the rights of EU citizens to live and work anywhere on the continent.
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